Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Eggs
 I have a variation to this I will get around to posting that is simply delicious, freezes well, and EVERYONE loves!! 

Thick Sliced Bacon
Salt and Pepper
Muffin Pan
Non-Stick Cooking Spray

Preheat your oven to 325-375. Scramble your eggs (or crack the whole into a bowl) and mix in some salt and pepper. Roll strips of bacon around your fingers to form a loop roughly the same size as the muffin holes in your pan and slide them down the sides to the bottom. Spray the bottom of each "bowl" with your Non-Stick Cooking Spray and ladle in your scrambled eggs (or drop the whole cracked eggs in 1 per "bowl"). Bake at 325 for 30 minutes or 375 for 15-20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool on a paper towel or wire rack for 3-5 minutes and serve.


  • You really need the thick sliced bacon here. Thin will not create a wall that is needed to stay standing while cooking.
  • Oven temp and cooking time is not really that big of a deal. Just cook until each egg has a VERY SLIGHT brown color on top or use your best judgement as to when you feel the eggs are done enough for you.
  • Pre-cook the bacon slightly in the oven if you are wanting to have some "over medium" eggs, or some bacon that is slightly crispy.
  • If you are planning on doing the over medium/light eggs in this, crack them all into a bowl and pour them out one by one slowly and gently into each slot. This will remove the outer fluid that is around the egg white that causes some serious sticking to occur even if you spray your pan well.
  • My last tip is not very "conservative" and can be wasteful (unless you have bottomless pit children or a dog willing to have some scraps). Make and butter some toast to put in the muffin pan under, above, or on both sides of your eggs (Although I suggest just the bottom, these eggs do puff up some and will raise the top too much to look like a sandwich). Use a small child's cup to cut out circles in the toast to get the right size and place it in after you slide in your bacon so you get a nicely formed bottom.

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