Hello and welcome to my blog. Let me take the time here to explain a little bit about what this is for and why I am doing this. This blog is more of an online recipe book I have been thinking and talking about for months now. I even started to scan in and create pdf files for every recipe card I have. That lasted all of a week before the scan, flip, scan, replace card, repeat got old, and the size of storage was going to be a factor as I have ALOT of recipes and not alot of time between cooking and the house and all the kids.
I was talking with Sara's sister Lisa about her blog and website and that got me thinking about doing one myself so I can finally get this recipe thing off the ground, and share all the foods we make and try, and how they taste and appeal. So Kirbee's Kitchen was born. Anyone can access this, anyone can comment, and you can share it with anyone you wish. The whole point is to get as many people to come view and improve each meal so it will be better than the last time you had it, making each meal less monotonous even if you are on a budget or have a picky family and have it a few times a month.
I will often put in the posts about the brands of seasonings or foods I use, this is not a plug for them, I don't get paid by these company's marketing departments. I put them in because they taste good and I have not found (or looked for) a substitute. That does not mean YOU can't look and find one. If it works for you, post a comment about it. Also I have a Food Saver and I LOVE it!! I use it for so many things in my kitchen. Lots of what I post will use this, if you don't have one it is not a big deal, most of the time you can get away with a zip-lock bag,some seasonings, and your freezer or fridge. NOTHING in food is set in stone (except cooking temps), do not be afraid to toy with the recipes I post. Not everyone is the same, we all have different tastes and cooking styles.
Finally I want to explain more about why...
I don't do this blog for a paycheck. I don't do it so everyone will look at me. I do it because I love my family, I love cooking, and I love seeing their faces when they take that first bite of something and they light up and you can tell they are enjoying it. Cooking and family, both are supposed to be a fun adventure, not a chore or burden. When I sit with 5 kids and my girlfriend around the dinner table at night, and they get to talking and chattering on about how their day was, and what they did, and who they saw, with a plate of food that I made for them, It really does make the time I spent preparing it worth it all. And when they ask for seconds and say how good it was, then tell you they want to have it again sometime (my favorite is when they say "can we have this once a week every week?") I smile inside. Even if they don't say a word about the dinner they just ate, but walk away from the table with that slight lean backwards and an empty plate. You know dinner was good. As a parent, care giver, spouse, or friend when you put your heart into dinner (no matter how simple or complex the dish) for the ones you love and care about, you know your life is full and complete. I have said this blog is for anyone and I mean it, but I do it for you, my family and friends. Thank you for being a part of my life, and my table.